Temple of the Goddess Blog

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aliveness shadow work transformation Oct 18, 2023
Shadow Work

|  5 min read

The concept of "shadow work" originates from Carl Jung, who defines it as the manifestation of our "dark side" - the aspects of our personality that we have rejected, suppressed, or denied. This encompasses unresolved traumas and ego-driven actions, but it also involves our golden essence and untapped potential.

Let's explore how shadow work can bring back us to life by integrating and reclaiming the fragmented aspects of ourselves. 

Here 5 ways to increase aliveness with shadow work:

  1. Loving what you currently reject or judge
  2. Taking off the masks
  3. Accepting all of you
  4. Unlocking the wild self
  5. Connecting to your inner genius


1. Loving what you currently reject or judge

Shadow work helps us identify parts of ourselves that have been neglected or hidden away. These parts often hold unprocessed pain, but by acknowledging and embracing them, we have the chance to cultivate love and healing. Embracing our shadows opens the door to profound personal growth and self-acceptance.

2. Taking off the masks

Each and every one of us wears masks, consciously or unconsciously, to present ourselves in life. These masks can be seen as roles that shape our personalities. While they may reflect certain aspects of who we are, we often become too attached to them, using them as a shield to hide parts of ourselves that we may not feel proud of.

For instance, a woman can wear the mask of a "good girl," consistently projecting a friendly, happy, and open demeanor. However, deep down, she may experience feelings of anger, disappointment, and a desire to avoid social interactions. Instead of being authentic, she may choose to only show the facade of a good girl, suppressing her true emotions. Embracing vulnerability, shedding our masks, and presenting ourselves as we truly are will unlock a sense of aliveness.

3. Accepting all of you

By embracing ourselves as our own nurturing parents, with acceptance and love, we have the power to bring about profound transformation in how we present ourselves to the world. Engaging in shadow work allows us to wholeheartedly invite every aspect of our being, both conscious and unconscious, into existence without denial or judgment.

During this process, we frequently encounter aspects of ourselves that were previously unknown, sparking a wave of exploration and curiosity about our true nature.

4. Unlocking the wild self

In a society that prioritizes politeness over authenticity, we often suppress our wild side and live a domesticated existence. Our primal nature is the part of us that is in tune with our bodies, its cycles, and ultimately, with nature.

Shadow work helps us consciously remember our instincts and desires, allowing us to tap into our aliveness and embrace our true selves.

5. Connecting to your inner genius

Everyone possesses an inner genius yearning to be unleashed. This inner genius represents the curious, explorative, and untamed part of us. It is an inner wellspring of inspiration that guides us towards one of the defining qualities of humanity: creativity.

Exploring your shadow can unleash your creative potential and reignite your passion for life.


I hope this post has sparked your curiosity about shadow work and its potential to assist you in your journey towards wholeness.

Don't forget to explore our newest course on feminine archetypes, where we delve into the profound practice of shadow work. Join us to uncover hidden depths and transform your journey! Looking forward to seeing you there!




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Oct 18, 2023