Resourcing Mothers

Alternate Saturdays for the whole year 2024 from 10 to 11am NZ Time

Starting on Saturday 3rd February.

Resourcing Mothers is a space for the woman under the Motherhood hat. A space designed to being in contact with who you are at the core, beyond roles and archetypes.

Find out more

Special Price


1 class

Aphrodite, the Goddess of Love, Beauty, Sensuality & Abundance

A 4-week self-paced online journey

Through temples, practices, and rituals, you will be able to imbibe the profound wisdom of Aphrodite, awakening and embodying her qualities within yourself.

Find out more about the program

Special Price


(Value €444)


"I am finally in my body. This journey has opened a new gaze towards myself, sourced in just being ".

 - Jose Pezzano

The Mother & the Whor3

A 6-day self-paced online initiation

Through pre-recorded live temples, embodiment transmissions & practices you will be able to have a felt direct experience of these 2 archetypes within yourself.

Find out more about the program

Special Price


(Value €222)


"This program was powerful, freeing, nourishing and grounding!".

 - Paula, Berlin